Monday, November 05, 2007

What Happens When Your Family is Your Worst Enemy

My mother is so jealous of anyone who is successful that she would sabotage them to keep them from succeeding. My sister is like my mother and is very jealous of our own sisters. Only because I have a distance myself from them have I been able to achieve my goals in life. When you have a disability you do not have the credit to secure loans to build your business. So you have to get creative in getting finances to grow your business. Now with the Internet you can grow your business on a minimal amount of income.

For the last few years I have worked with the nonprofit fundraising by going business-to-business and doing a lot of walking. I finally have a contract with an organization as an independent contractor presenting webinars and making $300 an hour. It is just that it takes time to market classes and because this is the end of the year it will probably be several months before I start having a steady income from presenting webinars. I was able to secure this position because I have a radio show called Live Without Limits on a blog talk radio. The website to listen to the archived shows is: . I am also offering a tele-seminar called Live Without Limits. In this class we will discuss five topics:

1. Effective communication

2. Working together as a team

3. Becoming a good leader

4. Write a mission statement of strategic plan for yourself

5. Success tip.

This class will be offered every Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time. You can call 218-486-3696 and put in the pin number 496264#. If you plan to participate in this class send an e-mail to I will send to you a confirmation letter along with the workbook. After participating in the class if you return to me your mission statement, your contract from the success tip, go to my website and become a member, and purchase my newsletter then I will give you a half hour of personal coaching. My website address is: . You can also sign up to receive on an ongoing basis a success tip three times a week for the next year. I look forward to helping you reach your maximum potential.